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The North Carolina-Georgia edition covers 239 miles from the eastern end of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park through the Nantahala and Chattahoochee national forests to Springer Mountain, Georgia. This set includes one guidebook and four maps on two sheets (scale, 1:63,360), plus the National Geographic map of Great Smoky Mountains National Park (scale, 1:62,500). The pocket-sized planning guide contains background and interpretive information, points of interest, general advice, shelters, water sources, and road crossings. The omnidirectional format allows you to see where you are whether southbound or northbound. Each map is focused on the Appalachian Trail and overlaps with the neighboring maps. The surrounding area, out to about three miles, and additional side trails are also included. An easy-to-use elevation profile shows ups and downs and the distance to the next campsite or shelter, side trails, and water sources. For added interest, maps indicate federal or state lands, road crossings, waterfalls, and scenic areas. Maps are both water- and tear-resistant.
matt (Submitted on Aug 6th 2020)
Have studied the maps but not used them yet. Easy to use for south bounders but just as comprehensive for north bounders. They are easy to follow with great details of terrain and topography. On a glance one can tell the elevation changes for any particular section. Nice feature. As well as showing likely water sources. The guide book is a wealth of information about the AT in general with specifics for the areas covered. Really glad I ordered them. Water repellent maps are great but I may cut them down to use just the portions that I need to save weight.
Unknown (Submitted on Dec 26th 2019)
Not very useful for those hiking northward. Designed for those hiking north to south. Would like to see guidebook for all of us who start in Georgia.
ATC Note: Yes, SOBO reads directions down; NOBO reads directions up. Mileages are on either side of the same page.
Buffalo (Submitted on Dec 2nd 2019)
hate that book is for south bound travel. years ago
i had one that had both.
Monte R Bratschi (Submitted on Nov 1st 2019)
I have done sectional hiking of the AT for about 12 years. and use these maps and guidebooks only, they are very accurate and give expectations to what the trail is like, elevation changes, water sources have always been spot on
Tony Reabold (Submitted on Aug 16th 2019)
The GA/NC AT Guide book is well written and provides a wealth of information. Reading through this book it is easy for one to locate potential water and camp locations as well as gain knowledge of the topography along the AT.
Dirtdauber (Submitted on Jun 28th 2019)
I'm hiking the Georgia section In October. Can't wait! The guide book is very detailed and helped me to plan my trip
Jim (Submitted on Jun 13th 2019)
These replace my five year old set. Even better than before.
Unknown (Submitted on Mar 25th 2019)
At this time I can only section hike and this gives me the information to plan where my wife has access to drop me off and pick me up. I know the miles I need to walk between shelters and side paths to take for a view or supplies if needed.
estelle whiddon (Submitted on Jul 12th 2018)
clear, concise information presented in a great format. personally, i wish s-n was on the left of the pages and i did not have to reverse the information but after many years of use i have grown accustomed to it! this is my go to and has been for many years. the maps are wonderful as well.
Unknown (Submitted on May 2nd 2018)
Map quality is good and material is rain resistant too. love that idea...