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Safety Hankie

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Keep yourself seen and safe, with this blaze-orange, cotton bandanna. Covered with helpful tips for dealing with common hazards, from poison ivy to hypothermia, you'll be prepared out on the Trail.

About 21 1/2 inches square.

  • 5
    Lost my last one climbing Katahdin

    Posted by Unknown on Oct 5th 2023

    Bought my last one at the AT museum at the halfway point back in 2015. Carried it on every section hike. Finally made the summit of Katahdin on September 17 2023. Lost my hankie in the wind below the gateway. Had to have another to celebrate finishing the trail.

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    Posted by Unknown on Feb 2nd 2023

    Got it for my wife in the event something happens while we're hiking so she has some direction

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    Handy Hankie

    Posted by Steve Huntley on Nov 17th 2022

    This will be good to have in my pocket -- for information printed on it ad bright orange color during deer season

  • 5
    Lots of info....

    Posted by Unknown on Nov 28th 2021

    ....on one little square of fabric! I can see this being really's going in our hiking pack for sure.

  • 5
    Smart thing to have on the trail

    Posted by Charlotte on Dec 15th 2020

    I have had this hankie for years and everyone comments on it- the bright orange (great to have during hunting season) and lots of great information. Bought 2 for my hiking buddies, so they can stay safe too! Gets softer the more you use and wash it. Stays bright and readable for many years.