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A.T. State Patches

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$4.95 - $62.95
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Chipping away at a hike of the A.T. one state at a time? Here's an often-requested way to show off that accomplishment. The blue-on-yellow colors are reversed from the traditional yellow-on-blue A.T. one, but the patch is still 3 inches round.

A set of all 14 patches are available at a savings of 15%.

Note:When purchasing 5 or more patches and/or decals, please place your order via phone to receive the best shipping price. Call(888) 287-8673,Monday – Friday from 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m., ET.

  • 5
    Gotta get them all!

    Posted by Unknown on Nov 28th 2021

    But we have to earn them first! Purchased VA, MD and WV so now I need to get them stitched to our 14 state challenge backpack!:)

  • 5
    State Patch

    Posted by charles zoltak on Oct 11th 2021

    A great little patch which I bought for my sister.

  • 5
    AT State by State patches: Celebrating progress, setting an example for my Scouts BSA Troop

    Posted by Lynn W McGee, Ph.D. on Aug 13th 2021

    Nice patches for my Boy Scout jacket. As an active adult and Troop Committee member who is female, the patches build a connection to the Scouts who are working hard on various badges. Great gifts for those who hike a state with you. State by state hiking is fun, offers a sense of accomplishment, and can be achieved (slowly) while still employed, using weekends and holidays for day hikes. Georgia and Maryland conquered.... North Carolina and Connecticut are next on my list. To get started, I'm focusing on states with less than 100 miles where a friend or relative with whom I want to spend some quality time lives.

  • 5
    Great patch

    Posted by Mary Anne Hardy on Jul 29th 2021

    So pleased to be able to purchase a patch to celebrate my finishing this section. Excellent quality.

  • 5
    Slowly, but surely, completing the trail

    Posted by Pfleger on May 6th 2021

    I am a section hiker. Each time I complete all the mileage in a particular state, I buy the state AT Patch and pin it on my 4' x 1' trail map. Makes a great display and tracks my progress.